Presbytery of
Southern Kansas


Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crises and catastrophic events. How can you help? Give, Act, Pray! Contact PDA at https://pda.pcusa.org or by calling 800-728-7228.

PC(USA) Missionaries & Personnel Around the World
There is an opportunity to provide the general sending and support needs of our mission personnel. Refer to: "A Guide to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Mission Workers 2020-2021."
Obtain the catalog by calling Presbyterian World Mission at 800-728-7228 ext 5611. These missionaries are called to service and then witness God's love around the world.

Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services
Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services (PCHAS) lives its mission by providing meaningful programs that create positive change. PCHAS serves over 4,500 children and their families each year. PCHAS programs make a real difference in children's lives; whether they are struggling with the effects of abuse, neglect, or mental illness. How might a church support PCHAS? Contact them through https://www.pchas.org/

Cuba Partners Network
The Cuba Partners Network is committed to developing relationships which are grounded in companionship, cultural humility, and co-development – whether between congregations, presbyteries, the IPRC Synod or the Ecumenical Seminary in Cuba (SET).
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