Presbytery of
Southern Kansas


It’s time for Boundary Training! This is a requirement of the Book of Order (G-3.0106) and an opportunity to learn and get updates on best practices. The Presbytery Church Orders Ministry Team (COMT) voted to offer an online course that you may take anytime between now and September 30, 2024, to meet this requirement.
The course is offered by Convergence. Go here to learn more and sign up: https://convergencecolab.org/p/boundarytrainingforclergy
The cost is $199. The website offers a 35% discount, and if you request it, the COMT budget will cover $50. For CRE’s with limited continuing education funds or Stated Supply Pastors with limited or no continuing education funds, money is available by request to help supplement the costs further.
When you register, please let Joseph Wiseman, Assistant to the Stated Clerk, know. When you complete the course, alert Joseph so that it can be recorded and you can be reimbursed.
Email Joseph here: jwiseman@covenantwichita.org
Contact PSK Staff with any questions.
Gail Doering: execpsk@gmail.com
Catherine Neelly Burton: pskconnector@gmail.com
Joseph Wiseman: jwiseman@covenantwichita.org